Harmonized management measures for ecological corridors of transboundary interest

A set of Harmonized management measures for ecological corridors of transboundary interest were developed in the context of ”Open borders for wildlife in the Carpathians”/ OBWIC project. These management measures are applicable instruments that can achieve their implementation in ecological corridors. Consequently, the owners of the instruments have been identified, so that in the absence of an authority to govern ecological corridors, the measures can be addressed to other existent authorities who currently have responsibilities related to, or impacting the connectivity for large carnivores’ species. All the proposed measures are meant to be applied inside of ecological corridors’ boundaries and can ensure the protection of ecological corridors and safeguard the connectivity, based on tools embedded in the current legal framework.

Participation as a member of the Consultative Forum is open to any interested party based on a written request and officially addressed to the Working Group at: [email protected]

The Transboundary Expert Group now encourages the registration of as many stakeholders as possible in the Consultative Forum.

If you have knowledge of other persons, institutions or organizations, who may be interested in this process, we encourage you to redirect to them the content of this announcement.


All comments (relevant) and the responses of the Transboundary Expert Group will appear in a report within 30 days from the end of the consultation process.

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