Open Borders for Wildlife in the Carpathians
Solutions to biodiversity loss in the Carpathian Region must include cross-border cooperation.
Harmonized data collection
in Romania, Ukraine, Slovakia and Hungary will be combined with joint lobbying and policy actions for biodiversity conservation. The project will improve connectivity across 4 countries and will support integrated habitat management for brown bears (Ursus Arctos) wolves (Canis Lupus) and Eurasian lynx ( Lynx Lynx) by creating and implementing:
● a harmonised methodology for identification and designation of ecological corridors in the ENI Carpathians, developed in a participatory manner;
● a network of key ecological corridors of transboundary interest in the ENI Carpathians, (approx. 25,000 ha of key corridors identified by using the developed harmonised methodology);
● participatory conservation measures for LCs and sustainable development of communities;
● improved corridor functionality, ensuring connectivity for more than 300,000 ha of habitats by implementing at least 5 management measures in the RO-UA transboundary area (e.g. forest edge restoration, natural pasture restoration, barriers for preventing access in forestry fund, , prevention of human-wildlife conflicts);
● improved stakeholder conservation capacity for ecological corridors through advocacy (that will eventually result in increased protection of key ecological corridors of transboundary interest in the ENI Carpathians); and an
● increased level of information, education and awareness on the importance of safeguarding the ecological corridors for large carnivores in the Carpathian Mountains.
An estimated 8000 brown bears live in Central and South-eastern Europe.

About the project
The project is funded under the Hungary-Slovakia-Romania-Ukraine, ENI Cross-border Cooperation Programme 2014-2020. Project partners include WWF-Romania – Maramureş Branch as lead beneficiary, the Slovak Ornithological Society/BirdLife, NGO RachivEcoTur (Ukraine) and Aggtelek National Park (Hungary).